Läser just nu om ICISS rapport från 2001 om The Responsibility to Protect. Mycket välskriven. Som alltid ser man nya saker vid en omläsning och nu fastnade jag särskilt för punkt 1.20 - i väst uppfattar man inre stridigheter i fattiga länder som avlägsna - utan att man ens reflekterar över att vi själva är orsaken. Jfr The Bottom Billion.
Intra-state warfare is often viewed, in the prosperous West, simply as a set of discrete and unrelated crises occurring in distant and unimportant regions. In reality, what is happening is a convulsive process of state fragmentation and state formation that is transforming the international order itself. Moreover, the rich world is deeply implicated in the process. Civil conflicts are fuelled by arms and monetary transfers that originate in the developed world, and their destabilizing effects are felt in the developed world in everything from globally interconnected terrorism to refugee flows, the export of drugs, the spread of infectious disease and organized crime.
torsdag, oktober 21, 2010
Orsak och verkan
Upplagd av
Elina Jonsson
Etiketter: mänskliga rättigheter
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